Drug drop-offs near San Francisco are helping curb opioid abuse
The rise in opioid abuse throughout the United States is affecting San Francisco county & the greater California area at record rates. A multifaceted problem, the widespread abuse of drugs like prescription painkillers is affecting families and communities in the Bay Area and across the state.
It has become evident that this type of addiction can arise within individuals from all walks of life, and the severity of the epidemic is taxing both medical resources and emergency response personnel at unprecedented levels. Often, an individual who is prescribed an opioid after surgery or an injury becomes dependent upon the substance without ever intending to do so, as a result of the incredibly addictive properties of these substances.
Of course, not everyone who ingests a prescription painkiller will develop a substance use disorder, but it should be mentioned that it is imperative that one adheres to his or her prescribing physician’s directions whenever consuming a medication that has the potential to evoke a habit-forming response.
Reducing risk
Another way to mitigate the risk that one will develop an opioid addiction is to simply limit access, and this starts with removing unwanted or expired prescriptions from the home. How can one do this safely? Rather than flushing these medications down the toilet or washing them down the drain, residents of San Francisco can safely dispose of these substances at various drop-off locations that are popping up across the state.
These repositories are helping to keep toxic substances out of the water supply, and away from children or pets who could accidentally ingest them to fatal consequences. When drugs are safely disposed of, homes become safer, and individuals who might be seeking to abuse these medications will have fewer opportunities to access them.
California drop-off locations
Walgreens pharmacies have begun providing secure, anonymous drop-off locations for prescription medications throughout the state of California and nationwide. The chain is also providing free educational resources to help the public access information about the dangers of opioid abuse, and these materials can be accessed by visiting their website.
Residents of San Rafael and the Bay Area have several other options for safe drug disposal including the following locations:
- El Cerrito Recycling Center
7501 Schmidt Lane
El Cerrito, CA 94530
Phone: 510-287-1199
- Berkeley Transfer Station – East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD)
1201 Second Street
Berkeley, CA 94710
Phone: 510-287-1651
- Albany Senior Center – EBMUD
846 Masonic Ave
Albany, CA 9470
Phone: 510-287-1651
Those who live in other areas of California and across the United States can find other drop-off locations by visiting: https://rxdrugdropbox.org/map-search/#map_top.
By making the choice to safely dispose of unwanted medications through a drop-off program, you can play an active role in ending opioid abuse in California, keeping your home safe, and protecting precious natural resources, such as the water supply.